What Are Cremation Keepsake Urns?

Losing a loved one is never easy, but cremation keepsake urns offer a way to keep a small portion of your loved one's ashes close to you. These urns can be customized to fit your preferences and can be used in various ways to commemorate the life of your loved one. In this blog post, we'll discuss what cremation keepsake urns are and how they can be used.

What Are Cremation Keepsake Urns?

Cremation keepsake urns are small urns that hold a small portion of your loved one's ashes. They can be made from various materials, including ceramic, metal, glass, and wood. These urns can be personalized with your loved one's name, a photo, or a special message to make them more meaningful. Cremation keepsake urns can also be used as a part of a larger memorial or can be kept as a personal keepsake.

Different Types of Cremation Keepsake Urns

Ceramic Urns

Ceramic urns are a popular choice for cremation keepsake urns. They are available in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be personalized with various designs and colors. Ceramic urns can be engraved with your loved one's name, a photo, or a special message to make them more meaningful.

Metal Urns

Metal urns are another popular choice for cremation keepsake urns. They are available in various metals, including brass, stainless steel, and pewter. Metal urns can be personalized with engravings, including your loved one's name, dates of birth and death, and a special message.

Glass Urns

Glass urns are a unique and beautiful choice for cremation keepsake urns. They are available in various colors and can be personalized with a special design or a photo. Glass urns are also suitable for outdoor use and can be displayed in a garden or other outdoor location.

Wooden Urns

Wooden urns are a traditional choice for cremation keepsake urns. They are available in various types of wood, including oak, cherry, and walnut. Wooden urns can be personalized with engravings, including your loved one's name, dates of birth and death, and a special message. Wooden urns can also be used as a part of a larger memorial or kept as a personal keepsake.

Uses of Cremation Keepsake Urns

Wearing Cremation Jewelry

Cremation jewelry is a popular way to keep a small portion of your loved one's ashes with you at all times. This type of jewelry can be customized with your loved one's name, a photo, or a special message. Cremation jewelry is available in various styles, including pendants, bracelets, and rings.

Displaying in a Memorial Cabinet

Cremation keepsake urns can be displayed in a memorial cabinet or on a special shelf. This is a great way to keep your loved one's memory alive and to create a special space to remember them. You can add other items to the cabinet, such as photos or personal belongings, to make it more meaningful.

Scattering the Ashes

Cremation keepsake urns can also be used as a part of a larger memorial or scattering ceremony. You can scatter your loved one's ashes in a special location and keep a small portion of the ashes in a keepsake urn to remember them by.

Creating a Memorial Garden

Cremation keepsake urns can be used as a part of a memorial garden. You can plant a tree or flowers in honor of your loved one and place a keepsake urn in the garden as a reminder of their memory.